Built-in Functions


Zontroy interpreter has a number of functions and types built into it that are always available. Every function performs a single task.

String Functions

String functions allow developers to perform certain operations on strings in Zontroy.

zg-toStr((())) : Returns a string representing the object.

zg-upper((())) or zg-u((())) : Converts string to upper case.

zg-lower((())) or zg-l((())) : Converts string to lower case.

zg-upperFirstCase((())) or zg-ufc((())) : Converts first character of a string to upper case.

zg-lowerFirstCase((())) or zg-lfc((())) : Converts first character of a string to lower case.

zg-pluralize((())) or zg-p((())) : Pluralize a name if it is in a single form.

zg-singularize((())) or zg-s((())) : Singularize a name if it is in a plural form.

zg-puts((())) : Prints all characters in the character array indicated by the str parameter to the screen.

zg-notLast((())) : The not-last builtin function, which is generally used in the for loop, is used to ensure that the desired character does not appear at the end of the loop.

zg-notFirst((())) : The not-first built-in function, usually used in the for loop, is used to ensure that the desired character does not appear only at the beginning of the loop.

zg--tripleDots((())) : Allows adding ... to any word or sentence.

zg-tripleLeftParenthesis((())) or zg-tripleLeftParentheses((())) or zg-tripleLeftRoundBrackets((())) : It puts three left parenthesis ((( in the desired location.

zg-tripleRightParenthesis((())) or zg-tripleRightParentheses((())) or zg-tripleRightRoundBrackets((())) : It puts three right parenthesis ))) in the desired location.

zg-tripleLeftSquareBrackets((())) : It puts three left square brackets [[[ in the desired location.

zg-tripleRightSquareBrackets((())) : It puts three right square brackets ]]] in the desired location.

zg-tripleLeftCurlyBrackets((())) : It puts three left curly brackets {{{ in the desired location.

zg-tripleRightCurlyBrackets((())) : It puts three right curly brackets }}} in the desired location.

zg-tripleLeftAngleBrackets((())) or zg-tripleLessThan((())) : It puts three left angle brackets <<< in the desired location.

zg-tripleRightAngleBrackets((())) or zg-tripleGreaterThan((())) : It puts three right angle brackets >>> in the desired location.

zg-zero((())) : returns the value zero.

zg-estimateDisplayField((())) : It takes zg-entity as a parameter and finds the area of ​​the entity to be displayed on the screen.

Type Conversion Functions

Zontroy applies data type conversions from database type to variable type automatically. However if there is additional conversion need built-in functions are available. Type conversion functions provides additional functionality to convert data type of a column in the database of current project.

zg-convertToCSharpDataType converts data type of an entity to C# data type.

zg-convertToGoDataType converts data type of an entity to Go data type.

zg-convertToJavaDataType converts data type of an entity to Java data type.

zg-convertToJavascriptDataType converts data type of an entity to Javascript data type.

zg-convertToPHPDataType converts data type of an entity to PHP data type.

zg-convertToPythonDataType converts data type of an entity to Python data type.

zg-convertToRDataType converts data type of an entity to R data type.

zg-convertToSwiftDataType converts data type of an entity to Swift data type.

zg-convertToTypeScriptDataType converts data type of an entity to TypeScript data type.

zg-convertToVBNetDataType converts data type of an entity to VB.Net data type.

zg-convertToOtherDataType converts data type of an entity to Other Language data type defined by developer.

zg-convertToAnotherDataType converts data type of an entity to Another Language data type defined by developer.

Last updated