Built-in Functions


Zontroy interpreter has a number of functions and types built into it that are always available. Every function performs a single task.

String Functions

String functions allow developers to perform certain operations on strings in Zontroy.

zg-toStr returns a string representing the object.

zg-upper converts string to upper case.

zg-lower converts string to lower case.

zg-upperFirstCase converts first character of a string to upper case.

zg-lowerFirstCase converts first character of a string to lower case.

zg-pluralize pluralize a name if it is in a single form.

zg-singularize singularize a name if it is in a plural form.

Type Conversion Functions

Zontroy applies data type conversions from database type to variable type automatically. However if there is additional conversion need built-in functions are available. Type conversion functions provides additional functionality to convert data type of a column in the database of current project.

zg-convertToCSharpDataType converts data type of an entity to C# data type.

zg-convertToGoDataType converts data type of an entity to Go data type.

zg-convertToJavaDataType converts data type of an entity to Java data type.

zg-convertToJavascriptDataType converts data type of an entity to Javascript data type.

zg-convertToPHPDataType converts data type of an entity to PHP data type.

zg-convertToPythonDataType converts data type of an entity to Python data type.

zg-convertToRDataType converts data type of an entity to R data type.

zg-convertToSwiftDataType converts data type of an entity to Swift data type.

zg-convertToTypeScriptDataType converts data type of an entity to TypeScript data type.

zg-convertToVBNetDataType converts data type of an entity to VB.Net data type.

zg-convertToOtherDataType converts data type of an entity to Other Language data type defined by developer.

zg-convertToAnotherDataType converts data type of an entity to Another Language data type defined by developer.

Last updated