
zg-entity is a predefined object to access to fields and properties of a table in the database. You need to write zg-entity with square brackets if you don't use it with a built-in function. In build-in functions it is used with parantheses.

zg-entity object can be used in zsif, zref and ziref file directly.

Example Usage

// access to name field of an entity

Example Usage as a Built-in Function Parameter

// access to name field of an entity and singularize it using built-in function

Fields and Properties of zg-entity

Every field and property has a purpose in Zontroy to store spesific data for code generation.


zg-fields is a collection of fields in an entity like columns in a table. You need to iterate zg-fields using zg-for loop to access the properties of each field.



This is a collection of primary key fields in a table. This property supports multiple primary keys. While iterating list of primary keys you can access the properties of each primary key field.



List of referencing fields of an entity is accesible by zg-referencingFields. It also means that zg-referencingFields is a collection of foreign keys in a table.



zg-referencingFields is an object for the list of referenced fields of an entity by another entity. It also means that zg-referencedFields is a collection of columns in a table referenced by another table in the database.



It means the name of schema in the database.



It means the name of entity in the database.



It means the name of entity given by developer in Zontroy Properties Window.



It means the alternative name of entity given by developer in Zontroy Properties Window.



It means the label of entity given by developer in Zontroy Properties Window.



It means the order of entity given by developer in Zontroy Properties Window. Zontroy sorts entities by value of row order property automatically.



It means the description of entity given by developer in Zontroy Properties Window.



zg-displayFields is a collection of fields enterd by developer in Zontroy Properties Window and it is a group of field to use further.



zg-extra1 is a reserved property to be given by developer for personal purpose in Zontroy Properties Window.



zg-extra2 is a reserved property to be given by developer for personal purpose in Zontroy Properties Window.



zg-extra3 is a reserved property to be given by developer for personal purpose in Zontroy Properties Window.



zg-extra4 is a reserved property to be given by developer for personal purpose in Zontroy Properties Window.



zg-extra5 is a reserved property to be given by developer for personal purpose in Zontroy Properties Window.



zg-extra6 is a reserved property to be given by developer for personal purpose in Zontroy Properties Window.



zg-extra7 is a reserved property to be given by developer for personal purpose in Zontroy Properties Window.



zg-extra8 is a reserved property to be given by developer for personal purpose in Zontroy Properties Window.



zg-extra9 is a reserved property to be given by developer for personal purpose in Zontroy Properties Window.


Last updated